Yeah! A USA CX series I can get excited about. We don’t need a Word Cup in the States based on the current landscape for CX. Thanks Trek! Let’s start from the basics again and start a new. I’ll be at all four.

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That’s too bad about the TV coverage. I was hoping Trek bringing their money in would make the coverage better, and instead we lose it altogether 😢

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What does "We will have coverage here, but no livestream." mean? What does this coverage look like?

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I’m really curious if it will entice Euros to come over. For sure a good block with valuable points available. Not sure how much they care about it being on tv. Let’s wait and see.

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The event as a World Cup was a huge fundraiser for WI NICA (youth mtb) As a national event in a limited series I seriously doubt it will have the same impact; I can only hope the series will grow beyond just 4 events with limited appeal.

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