Awesome write up. Can't wait for more Puck battles with PFP. Evie came into this race hot, really bummed to see her flat. Would have really made for an even more exciting final.

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Great stuff Zach. And if anyone’s looking for further confirmation of your thesis, have a look at Josh Dubau’s Cx results from last season 👀 👍

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Usual quality journalism - not the usual quality coverage. Too much pointless slow motion, too little of the incredibly stacked top 20, too many shouty men..staggering in a sport that has always had equality they can only find 3 overly shouty men to put alongside Bart - one of whom even bored Bart with his ramblings about dropper posts, dust, wet rain and shiny rocks. However PUCK, PFP, EEEvie and FVE... one place behind Jolanda and in front of some real hitters.

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