Iserbyt Suspended Three Races After Kamp Altercation
Belgian National Champion Plans Returns at Overijse
According to his team, the UCI suspended Eli Iserbyt (Pauwels Sauzen-Bingoal) three races following a race incident involving Ryan Kamp at Beringen last weekend. Although the UCI has not yet released a statement, Pauwels Sauzen-Bingoal made the suspension public this morning.
Hopefully, the UCI will issue a statement explaining the grounds for the suspension. Until that time, here is the Pauwels Sauzen statement Google-translated to English. The original is here.
Eli suspended for three races by UCI
Eli Iserbyt will not start in Essen and Ruddervoorde this weekend. He will also remain on the sidelines in the Dutch Heerderstrand. The UCI has suspended the Pauwels Sauzen – Bingoal rider for three races after his slip-up in the opening cross of Beringen.
Halfway through the Exact Cross in Beringen, Eli Iserbyt was taken out of the race. The rider of Pauwels Sauzen – Bingoal fell together with another rider, after which the tempers calmed down for a while. It earned Iserbyt a fine of 100 Swiss francs after the race.
Eli Iserbyt apologized to the rider involved after the race, but in the meantime the UCI has also announced an additional sanction. The rider will be suspended for three races, which means he will miss the Exact Cross in Essen, the Telenet Superprestige in Ruddervoorde and the race in the Dutch Heerderstrand. In addition, there will be an additional fine of 2,500 Swiss francs.
Team manager Jurgen Mettepenningen reacts somewhat disappointed to the additional penalty. “Eli has already apologized publicly, as well as to Kamp himself,” he says. “I had hoped that his punishment with a disqualification and fine was already behind him. This additional sanction will affect the Superprestige ranking. In addition, Eli also misses out on starting fees and this is also a shame for the organizers of these three races. The UCI could have solved this differently.”
The Belgian champion will be at the start again in Overijse.
Three races! He got lucky, that was a pathetic move, and his managers comments are almost as bad. Saying sorry is not a get out of jail free pass, it is only the first step to redemption. Accepting your punishment, serving your time and being contrite is how you gain the ability to move on.